Benefits of Egg Yolk For Our Bodies Need We Know..?

Eggs are rich in protein and good fats to the body turned out to have many benefits for the health of our bodies. In addition to a meal side dish that is practical and economical.

Here are 7 Benefits of Healthy Consumption Egg Yolk

1. For Brain Health

Egg yolks are known to be beneficial for brain health, and even useful as bone formation. This is because the yolk has content zat chlorine or klorin where the benefits are very good for the formation of brain cells and human health.

2. Good for Pregnant Women

Egg yolks are also known to have good benefits for women hamil.Manfaat contained in egg yolk may help the development of the fetal brain and prevent the onset of the disorder in the brain janin.Untuk it, make you pregnant, consume eggs as food menu you.

3.  Up Cholesterol

If your body cholesterol deficiency. It is better if you eat eggs. Because the known 1 egg yolk contains about 180-190 mg of cholesterol.

4.Good For Kids Growth

That is why if a child should eat eggs early. Because eggs are known both for the development and growth of children. So that by eating the yolk every day process of growth and development to a maximum.

5. Containing Such Nutrition

This is the reason why many egg yolks consumed for Bodybuilders. This is because the yolk contains calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, and other much needed by the body.

6. Omega 3 Contains

Eating eggs can also ensure adequate intake of Omega 3 which is needed by the body.

7. Health Body

The doctor revealed that the yolk can make our bodies to be healthy, when compared with junk food, act.

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