Five Benefits of Breakfast often overlooked

Breakfast for busy people usually often overlooked, but we did not eat breakfast with us discard the benefits and functions of the breakfast. Breakfast does not need much moderation in accordance with the needs of our bodies. Busy people usually only drink that morning coffee or food supplements to support your body for activity. whereas the name of breakfast is very useful for our body.

Some of the benefits of breakfast are as follows:

1. Preventing ulcer disease
Due to circumstances empty stomach then it will stimulate gastric acid resulting increase in the incidence of ulcer disease

2. Refreshing Helps Brain Brain
also obtain nutrients from breakfast so that the brain can think better and faster. Besides breakfast also improves concentration.

3. increase the body's resistance to stress
Research has much to prove that the employee or someone who works which do not have time to run activities breakfast will more likely susceptible to stress. Instead, they are taking the time to have breakfast tend to be better prepared to carry out the work and better enjoy the work.

4. Provide more energy
The body needs enough energy to run the activity in the morning and the energy can be obtained from the breakfast in the morning. This makes the body stay fit and not get tired.

5. Memelihara Kesehatan Jantung 
People who eat breakfast have lower cholesterol levels, a smaller waist line, and less insulin in the blood. People who do breakfast tend to make healthy lifestyle choices than those who do not. Although studies have not convincingly relationship benefit breakfast with healthy hearts, it is possible component of a heart-healthy diet.
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